DocumentationNot Allowed Screen
Not Allowed Screen
Did you land on a strange page called 'Not Allowed'? This document will help you understand this error page.
If you've landed on the "Not-Allowed" screen, it likely means one of the following:
- You tried to access Memnook before receiving an invitation.
- You attempted to use a feature that isn't available to you yet.
What You Can Do
- Haven't joined yet? Sign up for the waitlist to get early access: Join the Waitlist.
- Already invited? Make sure you're using the correct login details.
- Feature not available? Some features are in limited testing. Keep an eye on updates for availability.
If you believe this is a mistake or need further assistance, feel free to contact support.
Is this page incorrect? Please inform us by reaching out at We appreciate your help to keep these resources up-to-date.
Updated 4 days ago